While the conversion of the Pharisee of Pharisee’s, Saul of Tarsus, is not the only conversion that takes place in the book of Acts; it is the pivotal conversion given to us by Luke. The story of a man of who once was likely considered to be the textbook image of zeal and piety for the Torah now experiences about as drastic of an about face as one man could undergo when his zeal for the Torah ended up becoming zeal for his mission from God. Everything that takes place after Acts 9 and Acts 10 is impacted by the 180 done in life of the man that history now knows as Paul. This monumental moment in this history of Christianity shows us that we are never too far from God that we cannot experience pivotal change in our life so that we can make pivotal change in the kingdom today. I am reminded of the story of a young man who got into a few fights when he was in school, made some bad personal choices and then found himself hitting rock bottom. I am reminded of this young man because he was once at a place in his life where it seemed like his dream to be a minister, missionary or coach had gone by the wayside. I am reminded of this young and his dreams, because that young man was none other then me. I was not one who went around persecuting Christians, but make no mistake, I had turned away from God. Then, some close friends in my life helped me make a 180. I’m no Paul, but that’s ok, because I would rather look more like Jesus. Comments are closed.
June 2020
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