Identity theft is a very serious thing, but it’s not a new thing. Now, I am not referring to the type of identity theft that involves someone using your personal/financial information so as to obtain something under your name; I am referring to the efforts of the evil one. Satan is in the business of attempting to steal your identity. You are one who has been endowed with the Spirit or breath of God. This is what we find that makes humanity too unique amid all the created. Where different forms are represented in plant life and the animal kingdom, what makes humanity unique is that we alone are the ones who have been given the very breath of the Creator, and Satan tries to get you to forget that every second of every day. You see, if he can get you to forget that, then he can get you off track long enough to forget who and who’s you are. My challenge to you is that you would not allow Satan to forget who it is that has given you your identity. Your identity does not have to be in the things that you struggle with. You can give those things over to the one who gives your breath. Use that breath to help you call out to Him. Think about it. Pray about it. God bless. Comments are closed.
June 2020
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